Yesterday I played a presentation of a research project at the university of Vienna. Some artistic research went into developing the music, but the main act that evening was the latest book by Andrea Griesebner and Evdoxios Doxiadis: Gender and divorce. This work delves into married women’s rights (or lack thereof) in Europe over a period of three centuries, 1600-1900. This book is a total Eye-opener on the topics of care work, economical disadvantages for women, male privilege, and when and how it all started.
Gender and Divorce in Europe: 1600 – 1900: A Praxeological Perspective
Getting divorced and remarried are now common practices in European societies, even if the rules differ from one country to the next. Civil marriage law still echoes religious marriage law, which for centuries determined which persons could enter into marriage with each other and how validly contracted marriages could be ended.
Religions and denominations also had different regulations regarding whether a divorce only ended marital obligations or also permitted remarriage.
#history #europe #humanrights #carework #maleprivilege #gender #divorce