Gilgamesh reloaded


I just got back from an intensive 3+ days of rehearsal for the theatre project Gilgamesh – reloaded. The piece is an adaption of the oldest written epic of humankind, that has been preserved in full. A chamber play with storytelling (in German…), video and music. We will re-open on Friday in Saalfelden. This time with a focus on the female narrative, the changeover from matriarchy to patriarchy.

Gilgamesh is a ruthless king, ignorant of the laws of nature and of the boundaries of his fellow men or women. Only the love for his friend Enkidu and the grief over his death turn him into a compassionate being. This ancient tale is also a story of the 21st century, in which many powerful people go crazy and we are at a turn of the tide.

Gilgamesh, you won’t find the life you are chasing. I tell you something: Laugh and dance. Celebrate each day. Look at the kid, holding your hand. Let a woman become happy in your arms. For this is humanity’s destiny.

Gilgamesh, das Leben, dem du hinterherrennst wirst du nicht finden. Ich sag Dir was: Lache und tanze. Mach jeden Tag zu einem Fest. Blick auf das Kleine, das deine Hand hält. Lass eine Frau in deinen Armen glücklich werden. Denn das ist das Ziel von euch Menschen.


  1. Manuel

    Qué apetitoso! Empecé a traducir una versión teatral de Gilgamesh escrita por un quebequés. Lo abandoné pero me da ganas de buscarlo y terminarlo.

  2. Manuel

    A Manuel le gusta el mensaje de estado de Sophie

  3. Haakon Meland Eriksen (Parlementum)

    ‘Gilgamesh’ is awesome, I wish I got to see your performance, @Sophie ! 🙂

  4. hEARt PhoniX

    Actually you got me interested. 🙂
    Will you tour to L.E.? 😛
    Do a live streaming?
    Be shown on public TV?
    Produce a DVD?

  5. Sophie

    Manuel, sounds great! Glad I piqued your appetite, so to say… we had three different translations of the epos that sourced the theatrical version we made over the course of 2017 and 2018.

    Haakon, would love to have you in the audience!

    Tobias, we deliberately designed this chamber version of the 2018 production to be more flexible. Touring is in the pipeline, but I can’t promise we will come to L.E. … there is footage of the 2018 production and we had a short TV appearance. There will be documentation this time as well, but as of know I do not know in which form.